Informix, original maker of 4GL, and maker of THE database (now owned by IBM)
4Js, French maker of several implementations of commercial 4GL, and source of Informix D4GL
Querix, English maker of 4GL compilers and tools.
ArtInSoft, maker of 4GL to Java translator
Etrus 4GL compiler and and 4GL CASE Tools
SuperNova I4GL Extender, uses I-4gl compiler
Infoflex, US maker of 4GL compiler with commercially available source code and Informix ESQL/C and SE engine compatible products.
See 4GL compilers compared page for more on different available 4GL compilers and tools
4gl based modifiable
financial and distribution software, and 4gl CASE tools:
(also known as "Endura", formerly "FourGen")
Fourth Generation
Gillani, Inc.
Power-4gl, toolkit of general purpose functions, by John H. Franqtz of Heilabrot. Also a freeware version.
4glWorks, an application framework for x4gl by Marco Greco. (Free for non-commercial use) And more...
GWD, shareware Win32 editor with 4GL IDE extensions (see Projects - GWD::4gl on for extensions soon)
CodeForge, commercial IDE with 4gl support
ThinSoft Accounting, Unique Systems OpenSource 4GL ERP accounting applications
WTK - another Windows port of Tk - Written by Leo Nolastname, at Brückner & Jarosch, used by 4Js to make GUI front-end.
Source Navigator - IDE environment that will serve as GUI IDE for Aubit 4GL. See RFC- IDE for 4gl development
Informix Unleashed, complete book in HTML format about Informix products, by John McNally. You will find several complete chapters about 4GL language there, including chapters on Informix database servers. You will also learn there that "To develop with a 4gl, the developer does not have to be an expert programmer".
C.D.I. - comp.databases.informix newsgroup.
IIUG, Informix International User Group
IDN, Informix developers network. There is also a D4GL newsgroup there.
Inxutil, Tim Schaefer's "International Web Magazine for Informix Professionals". Also InxUtil 4gl Toolkit for rapidly prototyping 4GL applications.
Informix by example, Informix site dedicated to examples of all sorts for Informix products.
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