Aubit 4gl automatic nightly builds download page

This page is here primarily for nightly automatic binary builds; it contains completely untested code, whatever is in CVS that night, will end up here. In short, stuff here is for people that like to live on bleeding edge.

Regular user's preferred option should be to download RELEASED files from Aubit project page, and/or to get source code from Aubit CVS - unless instructed otherwise, or if files available as released are seriously out of date.

Available for download:

Please note: 

Last update times:

Windows Thu Apr 21 08:19:48 AUSEST 2005

Linux Fri Apr 15 05:42:49 NZST 2005

Source distribution

Note: Aubit 4gl is intensive development, and changes are made almost every day. Therefore, it is highly recommended that you get source code directly from CVS, to be able to update then using CVS client, instead downloading everything over and over again. See instruction on Aubit CVS page.

Note: TarBall, ZipBall and SRPM source code packages contain same code, packaged and compressed with different tools, unless they have different version or date in there name

Download source code (all platforms): 

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Precompiled binary distribution

Platforms available:

Please note:

Linux precompiled binary packages:


Linux (kernel 2.2.x GLIBC 2.1)

Linux (kernel 2.4.x GLIBC 2.2)

Package type





All libraries support    

Download archive

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Microsoft Windows


Win32 - CygWin

Win32 - Native (Windows 2000, 9x, NT, XP)
Package type


Install wizard

All libraries support

Download archive

Download archive

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Other operating systems

    Sorry, not yet available. 

    Please let us know if you compiled successfully on other platforms, and consider contributing binary packages.

    Aubit 4gl is known to compile on: Sun Solaris 7.1, Darwin (MacOS X) and AIX

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Other files

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