Reproduced with the permission of Macmillan Computer Publishing.

Introduction to programming in 4GL

Written by Kerry Sainsbury

This document discusses some of the features of Informix 4GL, and gives you some guidelines on how they can be used successfully. We'll also high-light some common problem areas, and point you at their solutions. The chapter assumes you have some programming experience (although not necessarily with Informix-4GL), and so is not any kind of 'primer' -- there are no analogies between variables and mail-boxes, nor are you required to make an itemized list of all the activities required to boil an egg.

Language Overview

Informix 4GL is like most of the professional athletes I see on TV. It's powerful, understands simple instructions, and is generally excellent at doing what it has been designed to do. 4GL has been built to help programmers provide solid business solutions in a relatively short time-frame. The native support for SQL statements, combined with easy-to-use Data Entry and Reporting functions, make it ideal for most business requirements. Informix 4GL is lousy at rendering polygons, and has no support for joysticks, mice, or sound-cards. You're not going to use it to write the next smash-hit arcade game.

Modern Structured Language

Informix-4GL is a Structured Language, much like Pascal, any modern BASIC, or (to a lesser extent) C. In a nut-shell this means it has a WHILE-loop, user-definable functions, and generally discourages the use of GOTO. It's not one of those crazy flag-driven languages like RPG III, nor is it table-driven, like many other tools who also call themselves a "4GL". Informix-4GL is pretty much a regular procedural language. Here's a sample program that displays 10 numbers on your screen:


FOR i = 1 TO 10


4GL code can be edited with any text editor you fancy -- you're never left wondering where-abouts the "program" is, because it's just a regular ASCII file.

A weakly typed language

Informix-4GL tries not to care much about how we use our variables. It's basic assumption is that we know what we're doing. Pascal, a strongly typed language, would barf badly at this code:

program test;
var x : String;
   x := '123';
   x := x + 1;

The Pascal compiler would refuse to compile this program -- because it makes no sense to add one to a string (even if the string does contain a numeric value). Informix-4GL, on the other hand, would compile the 4GL equivalent quite happily -- secure in the knowledge that the programmer knows exactly what she is doing. If we want to add one to a string, that's fine. 4GL will have a good crack at figuring out what you want to happen, based on whatever seems most sensible to it at the time. See how Informix-4GL lets you mix and match variables of different types:


   LET c = "99"
   LET i = c + 1
   DISPLAY i -- Displays 100
   LET i = c + 1
   DISPLAY i -- Displays 1
   LET f = 99.0
   LET i = f + 1 DISPLAY i -- Displays 100

So, although it can be annoying when 4GL doesn't fall over when you start doing arithmetic with description fields, it's a positive boon when you want to add floats to integers, or decimals, or smallints, or money fields.

Native SQL support

Informix-4GL, a language written by a Database company and designed to access Relational Databases, includes (and this won't surprise you at all) excellent support for SQL statements.

Traditional languages (C, Pascal, Fortran etc.) only have native support for sequential file access and, if you're lucky, the Indexed Sequential Access Method (ISAM). If you want to talk to a 'real' database, you need some sort of 3rd party library.

Compare the amount of effort required to do a simple SELECT in the following code snippets:

A language with Native SQL Access Methods (Informix-4GL)

DEFINE l_table_name CHAR(30)

   DATABASE stores
   SELECT tabname INTO l_table_name
   FROM systables
   WHERE tabid = 1

   DISPLAY l_table_name

Borland Delphi (Library Support)

A language without Native SQL Access Methods (Borland's Delphi)

var myQuery : TQuery;
   l_table_name : String[30];

   myQuery := TQuery.Create(Self);
   with myQuery do begin
   DatabaseName := 'stores';
   SQL.Add('select tabname');
   SQL.Add('from systables');
   SQL.Add('where tabid = 1');
   l_table_name := FieldByName('tabname').AsString;

Informix-4GL is certainly easier to read, and requires far less code, than does a product without native SQL support.

What makes it a '4GL'?

The whole meaning of "4GL" is pretty much open to opinion. In the late Eighties (when Informix-4GL was being developed), people were looking for some way to distinguish their high-level, business-oriented, languages from their 3GL cousins, and "4GL" became very much the buzz-word d'jour -- much as "Visual" has today. The Marketing department, one assumes, felt that "Informix-4GL" had far more street-credibility than "Informix-BASIC" ever would. I'd suggest that they were exactly right. The reason Informix claim this language to be a 4GL, is because it includes a number of event-driven (or "non-procedural") commands.

With these commands the programmer specifies what should happen when particular events occur, and then lets 4GL manage the actual user interaction (or report generation) itself. The reporting routines, for example, will automatically print report headers and trailers as they are needed. All the programmer has to do is specify what the heading should look like -- he doesn't have to keep track of line numbers, or in any way decide when a header needs to be printed. It's this kind of high-level functionality that sets Informix-4GL apart from other languages of its generation.

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Compile-Time Directives

Informix-4GL comes with very few Compilation Directives, but even these few can cause confusion -- one has subtle side-effects at runtime, and another doesn't even look like a compilation directive. Additionally, 4GL is missing some of the "normal" directives often found in 3GL languages. This section describes the compilation directives that Informix supply, and the things to watch out for when you use them.

DATABASE [database_name]

When we put a DATABASE directive before the first MAIN, FUNCTION, or REPORT section of a 4GL module, we're defining the database to be used for evaluation of LIKE declarations. Each 4GL module which uses LIKE must include a DATABASE directive before any of the module's procedural code. If we stick a DATABASE statement inside procedural code then we cause 4GL to close its current database connection, and connect to the specified database instead. 4GL will then use this database whenever any SQL statements are executed. Here's an illustration of the distinction between the two uses of DATABASE:

DATABASE development -- Compile-time, tells 'LIKE' to use the         -- 'development' database for data declarations

   DATABASE production -- Run-time, tells 4GL to use the 'production'
        -- database when executing SQL statements
   DISPLAY get_last_name(123)

FUNCTION get_last_name(l_person_id)
DEFINE l_person_id LIKE person.person_id -- these LIKEs uses the 'development'
DEFINE l_last_name LIKE person.last_name -- database to decide what data type
            -- they actually end up with
  SELECT last_name
   INTO l_last_name
   FROM person
   WHERE person_id = l_person_id
  RETURN l_last_name

If, and this is a bit weird, you have a DATABASE directive in the module containing the MAIN section of a program, then Informix also behaves as though you had placed a DATABASE statement inside that MAIN section.

So what's wrong with that? Well, it means you have to have a 'development' database on every system you deploy your programs at. It's not the end of the world though -- the databases don't have to have any tables in them -- just a wee bit annoying. Of course if you do all your program development on your production database you'll have no problem at all -- but then you'd probably be a few bricks short of a load.


Informix-4GL lets you define the default error handling for a 4GL module at compile-time, not run-time. Briefly, your options are

This 'WHENEVER' statement should be the first 'executable' statement in each 4GL module of your program. Here's some strange-looking code which illustrates the fact that WHENEVER... is a compile-time directive, and not a normal 4GL statement:

   LET x = 1 / 0

In the above example, the compiler will STOP and report a division by zero error on the last line -- this is because the 'WHENEVER ANY ERROR STOP' is the most recent 'WHENEVER'.

You cannot make 'WHENEVER' statements conditional at runtime!


The traditional compiler directives, such as those found in C or Pascal, don't exist in 4GL. These directives can provide the developer with a way of conditionally controlling the construction of her program at compile time.

By using such tools you can make your executable code smaller, because you may exclude inapplicable routines at compile-time.

If you want to make use of such directives, don't dispair -- even though 4GL doesn't have any native method of providing them, you can use the standard UNIX tools "m4" or "cpp" instead.

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Variables, Arrays, and Parameters

We're going to talk about Variables, and the ways in which they can (and cannot) be used within Informix-4GL.

Variable names

One of the first programming languages I had a professional encounter with was Data General's "Business BASIC". Variables were nearly meaningless in this language because they suffered from a six character limit on their names. Readability suffered!

With 4GL, variable names can be as long as you like -- so you can have no excuse for not creating wonderfully descriptive names. Up until recent releases you had been unable to use some 'reserved words' as variable names, but now you're able to write code like that shown below:

main define if, let, then, end, else smallint
if then or else then display if else if end and if then else end if end if
end main

I'll leave the decision about whether you should use reserved words as variable names up to you!

If you're compiling with the C-based compiler you need to avoid C-language reserved words or function names. Here's a small program that 4GL won't take kindly to:

   call printf("F")
end main

function printf(l_variable)
define l_variable char(10)
   display l_variable
end function

Initial Values

Informix-4GL comes in two main flavours -- a pcode based version, called 4GL-RDS (Rapid Development System) and a C-language based version often called 4GL-C. The RDS flavour initializes all your local variables for you when they are created, while C-4GL does not -- meaning that you will have undefined values in your variables when you first access them.

How 4GL-RDS initialises variables for you

Datatype Initial Value
Integer & SmallInt 0
Float, Real, Smallfloat, Double Precision 0.00
Date 31 December 1899
Decimal, Numeric, Money, Char, DateTime, Interval NULL

Module variables and Global variables (shudder) are initialised by 4GL-C, as well as 4GL-RDS, in the same manner as shown in the above table. It is not possible to specify your own initial variables, with something like:

DEFINE l_months_in_year SMALLINT = 12

Passing parameters to functions (and getting them back again)

There are number of limitations placed on you when you start passing values down into functions.

Parameters always passed "by value"

When we pass a parameter into a function it is always passed "by value". This means that a copy of the variable is sent down to the function, rather than the actual variable itself.

The called function then can mess about with the value all it likes, but those changes will not be reflected in the original variable unless it is RETURNed back into the original variable, as shown here:

MAIN DEFINE l_myname CHAR(20)
   PROMPT "Enter Maiden Name: " FOR l_myname
   CALL get_married(l_myname) -- 1. At this point a copy of l_myname is placed in l_name
   RETURNING l_myname -- 3. l_myname is set to the value in l_name

FUNCTION get_married(l_name)
DEFINE l_name CHAR(20)

CASE l_name
   WHEN "Parish" LET l_name = "Sainsbury" -- 2. l_name is altered, but
l_myname is not
   WHEN "Edlin" LET l_name = "Boyce"
   RETURN l_name

This is pretty good really -- it means that when you see a variable being passed as a parameter to a function you can be secure in the knowledge that the routine is not secretly changing the variable. It adds a great deal to helping understand the flow of variables throughout a program.

The passing of large strings

A downside to only being able to pass parameters "by value" is that it means that passing large strings in and out of functions is slow -- this is because the string has to be copied from one large string to another, and that takes time. Another, more major, string-related obstacle, is that prior to 4GL version 4.12/6.02, a function could not return a string which was larger than 512 characters. The current limit has now been increased to the maximum size of a string -- 32767 characters. Manipulation of large strings is one of the few legitimate reasons for using a global variable.

The passing of arrays

Sorry, can't do it. You can either pass each element of the array individually to the function, and let it rebuild your array on the other side, or you can put your array into a modular variable and include all manipulation of the array in one 4GL module. Putting your array into a global variable would also work, but would set you up for all the usual maintenance problems associated with global variables. See 'Dealing with the Array' and 'Global Variables' in Chapter 33 'Techniques for Writing Reusable Informix-4GL', for more information.

The passing of flags

When you write a commonly used routine which is capable of performing a number of subtly different jobs, it is usual to indicate which actions you want the routine to perform by sending down different flags.

Imagine you have a routine which analyses the Evening's television schedule, and returns information about programs you are interested in -- depending on how some flags have been set. Your first attempt at the interface to the routine might look like this:

CALL show_programs(TRUE, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE)

FUNCTION show_programs(l_want_soaps, l_want_drama,
l_want_comedy, l_want_news)
DEFINE l_want_soaps SMALLINT,
l_want_drama SMALLINT,
l_want_comedy SMALLINT,
l_want_news SMALLINT

   IF l_want_soaps THEN
   IF l_want_drama THEN

This is fine, as long as we are certain that we will never be interested in any different types of television programs. Should a fascination with "nature" shows ever develop, you'll not only need to change the interface to "show_programs()" but you'll need to alter every program that calls it too!

A more flexible approach might be to pass a single string instead, which we can dissect inside the function:

CALL show_programs(":SOAPS:COMEDY:NATURE:")

FUNCTION show_programs(l_want)
DEFINE l_want CHAR(200)
   IF l_want MATCHES "*:SOAPS:*" THEN
   IF l_want MATCHES "*:DRAMA:*" THEN

Passing Records

When dealing with records it is good to remember that they are just collections of variables "glued" together in one convenient lump. You can pass records into individual variables, and vice-versa. So the following is a legitimate piece of code:

MAIN DEFINE l_firstname CHAR(20),
l_lastname CHAR(30),

         l_name_rec RECORD OF
         first CHAR(20),
         last CHAR(30)
   CALL show_name(l_firstname, l_lastname) -- these two calls are equivalent,
   CALL show_name(l_name_rec.*) -- show_name doesn't care if
END MAIN                   -- record is used or not

RETURNING different number of values

A final peculiarity about Informix-4GL is that it is quite happy to let you RETURN a variable number of parameters:

FUNCTION choose_a_key(l_table_name, l_key_count)
... [ code to interrogate the table, and allow selection of a key, removed ] ...
   IF l_key_count = 1 THEN
   RETURN la_key(1)
   IF l_key_count = 2 THEN
   RETURN la_key(1), la_key(2)
   IF l_key_count = 3 THEN
      RETURN la_key(1), la_key(2), la_key(3)

This ability can come in quite handy in a general-purpose routine to access key fields from a table, for example.

Constants and Static Variables

Informix-4GL has no native support for constants, and only "Modular" and "Global" variables are static.

Constants can, to some extent, be replaced with a normal variable. Another option to consider is the use of a preprocessor, like m4 or cpp, to provide a more traditional implementation of a Constant.

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Flow Control

Informix have given us a number of options to help us control the flow of execution through our programs. This section describes the differences between the options, and when some are more appropriate to use than others.


When you're iterating through a cursor, processing rows from a table, the two most common ways people do this are via a WHILE/FETCH combination, or with FOREACH. Here's a WHILE/FETCH loop

SELECT product_code, stock_on_hand
   FROM stock
   WHERE branch_code = l_branch_code

OPEN stock_curs
   FETCH stock_curs INTO l_product_code, l_stock_on_hand
CLOSE stock_curs

> versus the FOREACH loop:

   SELECT product_code, stock_on_hand
   FROM stock
   WHERE branch_code = l_branch_code
FOREACH stock_curs INTO l_product_code, l_stock_on_hand

Generally speaking, FOREACH code is easier to read and takes less lines to implement. There are some things that FOREACH cannot do, and we'll discuss those next.

FOREACH and PREPAREd parameters

When you're going to be DECLAREing you cursor many times it makes sense to PREPARE the SELECT statement, and specify the parameters you want to use when the cursor is OPENed. Not having to repeatedly DECLARE your cursor will speed up your program, which is good.

LET l_prep = "SELECT product_code, stock_on_hand",
         " FROM stock",
         " WHERE branch_code = ?"
   PREPARE stock_prep FROM l_prep
   DECLARE stock_curs CURSOR FOR l_prep
   OPEN stock_curs USING l_branch_code
   FETCH stock_curs INTO l_product_code, l_stock_on_hand
   CLOSE stock_curs

You'll note the use of the USING clause on the OPEN statement, which indicates the value which will replace the "?" in the PREPAREd SQL statement. FOREACH has no USING clause (at least not until versions circa 4.13/6.02), and so cannot be used with PREPAREd cursors.


Informix's IF...THEN...ELSE control blocks behave in the same way as any other language's do, nearly.

If the tested condition evaluates to TRUE, then the statements in the THEN block are executed, otherwise those inside the ELSE block are run.

The only trick to 4GL's IF, is the way it treats 'AND' statements -- 4GL will check every condition in the AND list, even after it encounters a condition which fails.

Although the following code looks sensible, it will blow up with a -1326 error (An array variable has been referenced outside of its specified dimensions) because it tries to access element zero of the array:

DEFINE la_list ARRAY[20] OF CHAR(1),

   LET i = 0
   IF i > 0 AND la_list[i]= "X" THEN
   DISPLAY la_list[i]

CASE statements

4GL's CASE statement, while largely the same as in other language's, does have a few peculiarities of it's own.

There are two ways to drive a CASE statement -- one in which your 'WHEN' clause applies to a variable specified in the 'CASE' clause (a bit like Pascal's), and another which lets you have independent checks in each clause.

      CASE l_taxtype
   WHEN "A"
      LET l_rate = 12.5
   WHEN "B" OR "C"
      LET l_rate = 24.0
      ERROR "Found a strange type!"

The style shown above is the least flexible of the two styles. It irrationally assumes that "l_taxrate" will always control calculation of the rate -- imagine trying to cope with a Governmental decision to give a 0% tax rate if the current date is within 6 months of an election, you'd either place the new test inside each "WHEN" clause, or contrive a fake taxtype (which would destroy l_taxtype for use in any other processing).

The other CASE syntax requires IF-like tests on each WHEN clause. Although it requires more typing than the alternative, it also is far more resilient to change, and it lets you use OR successfully:

   WHEN TODAY > l_election_date - 6 UNITS MONTH
      LET l_rate = 0.0
   WHEN l_taxtype = "A"
      LET l_rate = 12.5
   WHEN l_taxrate = "B" OR l_taxrate = "C"
      LET l_rate = 24.0
      ERROR "Found a strange type!"

Notice that both examples include an OTHERWISE clause, which is used to catch errors and is not used to deal with real processing. If you use OTHERWISE as anything other than an exception handling clause you're opening yourself up to any number of very subtle bugs caused by invalid data sneaking into it


Yes, Informix-4GL has a GOTO statement. No, you really, really, don't want to use it. The use of GOTO statements, except under exceptional circumstances, invariably leads to unmaintainable code. Do you want unmaintainable code?

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Input, and Input Array

One of the most outstanding features of Informix-4GL are the INPUT and INPUT ARRAY commands. These commands let you edit entire records (and entire arrays!) at one time. This section will help you in your use of these powerful commands.

Input Array Screen-Shot

An application making use of an INPUT ARRAY statement to provide entry of order lines.


INPUT, and INPUT ARRAY, require a form file (.per) in order to function. One of the attributes you can setup inside a form file is the default value for each data entry field, so that when you go into an INPUT or INPUT ARRAY your fields all get nice default values in them.

This is great when you're adding a new record, but really bad when you're trying to change an existing one.

If you specify the WITHOUT DEFAULTS clause in your INPUT, or INPUT ARRAY, you then edit whatever the current contents of your INPUT variables are.

So, instead of defining default values in your form file, just set them up programmatically before you INPUT a new record. Otherwise, if you insist on not using WITHOUT DEFAULTS (if you can follow that double-negative!), you're going to have to code separate INPUTs for adding new records, and maintaining existing ones -- and duplicate a heck of a lot of code along the way! In summary: always make sure you use the 'WITHOUT DEFAULTS' clause.


Inside an INPUT ARRAY it is possible to insert new lines (the default key is F1), or delete existing ones (F2). Sometimes, however, you want to be able disable this ability. There are a couple of ways you can achieve this...


The 'OPTIONS' statement is the recognised method of changing a whole range of options - including the INSERT KEY and DELETE KEY. The only problem with 'OPTIONS' is that they are global to the program -- it is not a clause of the INPUT (or INPUT ARRAY) statement.

Imagine a program which allows entry of monthly budget figures in an array. This first array disables INSERT and DELETE keys because it's not possible to remove months from a year, nor add new ones.

From inside this array the user can hit F5, which opens a new window containing another INPUT ARRAY which allows entry of detailed information. At this detail level it does make sense to allow insertion and deletion of lines, so the subroutine turns on the appropriate OPTIONS. So when we exit the detail array, and return to the main monthly array, we now find that we can insert and delete months!

The following pseudo-program illustrates that OPTIONS are global, and can stuff things up nicely:

   INPUT ARRAY la_monthly_total WITHOUT DEFAULTS FROM monthly_totals
      ON KEY(F5) CALL enter_monthly_breakdown(arr_curr())

FUNCTION enter_monthly_breakdown(l_month)
   INPUT ARRAY la_detail WITHOUT DEFAULTS FROM detail_breakdown

The final nail in the coffin of 'OPTIONS' is that it's not possible to ask 4GL what the current value of an OPTION is -- otherwise we could record the current values, mess about with the options as required, and then restore them to their previous state.

If you're keen, you can build some wrapper routines for the various OPTIONS. In these wrapper routines you could record the current value and so restore the option to it's previous value once you've finished with it.

Here's an example of how to use such a wrapper:

   CALL options_insert_key("F36")

   INPUT ARRAY la_monthly_total WITHOUT DEFAULTS FROM monthly_totals
      ON KEY(F5) CALL enter_monthly_breakdown(arr_curr())

   CALL restore_insert_key()

FUNCTION enter_monthly_breakdown(l_month)
   CALL options_insert_key("F1")

   INPUT ARRAY la_detail WITHOUT DEFAULTS FROM detail_breakdown

   CALL restore_insert_key()
and here's the OPTIONs wrapping module itself:


   ma_insert_keys ARRAY[20] OF CHAR(10), -- Allows 20 levels of nested options
   m_insert_stack SMALLINT

FUNCTION options_insert_key(l_key)
DEFINE l_key CHAR(10)
   LET m_insert_stack = m_insert_stack + 1
   LET ma_insert_keys[m_insert_stack] = l_key
   CALL assign_insert_key(l_key)

FUNCTION restore_insert_key()
   LET m_insert_stack = m_insert_stack - 1
   IF m_insert_stack THEN
      CALL assign_insert_key(ma_insert_keys[m_insert_stack])

FUNCTION assign_insert_key(l_key)
DEFINE l_key CHAR(10)

   CASE l_key
   ERROR "Oops - I don't know about that sort of insert key!"

Conditional INSERTs or DELETEs

Imagine you have an INPUT ARRAY which needs to sometimes disable the use of the INSERT or DELETE key -- maybe you want to stop people from deleting existing lines, but need to allow addition of new lines.

Although there is a "BEFORE DELETE" clause, there is no statement that you can put inside it which will stop the deletion from taking place (with the exception of EXIT INPUT -- which is complete overkill if you're just trying to stop deletion of a line!).

CONTINUE INPUT will continue with the deletion -- there is no "CANCEL INPUT".

The solution is to move the check to see if the line can be deleted into the BEFORE ROW clause, and set your OPTIONS appropriately:

FUNCTION enter_lines()
   IF arr_curr() <= 5 THEN -- Can't delete first 5 lines
      OPTIONS DELETE KEY F2 -- but can delete any other line

Skipping to the Next Row

Skipping to the next row of an INPUT ARRAY is an often required action. You might want to force a user out of the current line (perhaps to stop them from changing it) or you might want to jump to a particular line in an array because it contains incomplete information.

Although the 6.0 4GL manuals mention the 'NEXT ROW' command in a couple of places ('Reference: Volume One' p 3-155, and in more detail 'Concepts and Use' p 7-19) it is a sad fact that the command does not actually exist. It appears to have been an act of wishful thinking on the part of the documentation team.

Even worse, it's apparently not even on the 4GL 'to do' list.

The work-around is based around the fact that if you NEXT FIELD to a NOENTRY field, 4GL bumps you on to the next field that allows entry. So if you make the last field in your INPUT ARRAY a NOENTRY field, then whenever you NEXT FIELD to it you'll fall down to the next line of the array.

A complete routine to show how to implement a 'skip-to-a-particular-line' routine.

# Assumes that the last field of the screen record 'printer_scr' line
# is a NOENTRY field called "skip"

FUNCTION edit_printer_list()
      l_skip SMALLINT,
      l_finished SMALLINT,
      l_last SMALLINT

   LET l_finished = FALSE -- The INPUT isn't finished yet
   LET l_skip = 0 -- Indicate we're not skipping to any line

   WHILE NOT l_finished
     INPUT ARRAY ma_printer WITHOUT DEFAULTS FROM printer_scr.*
      LET l_curr = arr_curr()    -- What line are we on now?
      IF l_skip THEN    -- If we're in skip-mode
      IF l_skip != l_curr THEN -- But the current line isn't the one we want
      NEXT FIELD skip    -- then skip to the next line
      ELSE    -- Else we've found the line we want
      LET l_skip = 0    -- So turn-off skip-mode
     END IF
   IF int_flag THEN       -- If they hit CANCEL then
     LET l_finished = TRUE    -- leave the INPUT
   LET l_last = arr_count()
   FOR l_curr = 1 TO l_last -- Look for an invalid line
   IF NOT line_is_valid(ma_printer[l_curr].*) THEN
     LET l_skip = l_curr -- Found one, so set skip flag to indicate line
     EXIT INPUT       -- we want, and jump out of INPUT (temporarily)
      END IF
      END FOR
      LET l_finished = TRUE       -- If got here then found no problems, so finish up

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C Function Calls and "RUN" statements

The 4GL language does a great deal for you, but there are times when you need to go beyond its bounds. Informix lets you do this in one of two ways. lb You can call a C routine lb You can execute any UNIX command via the RUN statement

Calling a C routine

4GL programs are able to call C-language routines. See Chapter 11 "Implementing C routines with I-4GL" for details on how to go about implementing such connections, but be sure to take heed of the following warning before you do:

Using the RUN command

The RUN command spawns a new instance of a UNIX shell, and executes any UNIX commands passed to it as a parameter. This opens a myriad of ways in which we can enhance our 4GL programs. We can use it to do things like "lp" (print) an ASCII file, or fire up a Word Processor, or send some email:

RUN "echo 'Good Morning' | mail judy"


UNIX commands, when they finish, set a thing called an "Exit Status". This status indicates what caused the command to finish its execution. Generally this is zero if the command executed normally, while a non-zero status represents an error of somekind.

RUN's "RETURNING" clause allows your Informix program to interrogate this exit status, and behave appropriately:

   RUN "echo 'Good Morning' | mail judy" RETURNING l_status
   IF l_status <> 0 THEN
     ERROR "email could not be sent -- check that 'mail' is in your path!"


RUN's "WITHOUT WAITING" clause lets you kick off a command, but doesn't insist that your 4GL program sits and waits for the command to finish before continuing with the next line of 4GL code

This can provide large performance improvements if used carefully. The following code, for example, does not cause the program to sleep for 10 seconds (although the spawned shell does -- have a look at the 'proof.txt' file this program generates):

DEFINE l_time CHAR(10)
   LET l_time = time
   DISPLAY l_time
   RUN "date > proof.txt; sleep 10; date >> proof.txt"
   LET l_time = time
   DISPLAY l_time

RUN'ing other 4GL programs

One excellent use for the RUN command is to execute other 4GL programs as they are needed. Imagine you are busy receipting some Bicycles you'd requested from a Supplier, when you discover that you haven't created a product code for the Bike yet. Your program could behave in a number of ways:

  1. Give an "Invalid Product Code" error -- requiring you to exit the Receipting program completely, startup "Product Creation" to create the new product code, and then run the Receipting program again.
  2. Give the error, but offer to call the "Product Creation" routine -- which has been linked into the Receipting Program. After creation of the new product you are returned to exactly the point where you left the Receipting program.
  3. Give the error, but offer to RUN the "Product Creation" program -- which is a standalone executable, and also returns you to where you left off in the Receipting program.

Option 1 doesn't conform to any recognised definition of "User Friendly" that I've ever encountered, but is certainly still required in many instances -- you don't want to let people run about creating new Products/Customers/Currencies etc without very good reasons!

Options 2 and 3 aren't radically different, except that Option 3 uses the RUN command to kick off the creation program, while Option 2 does the same thing via a call to a normal FUNCTION.

Taking Option 2 will rapidly lead to code-bloat (ie: very large executables -- especially if you want to offer access to a number of 'Creation' programs), although it will execute a bit faster than the RUN-based approach in Option 3.

RUN and Environment Variables

A common mistake made with RUN is attempting to use it to set environment variables from within a 4GL program. This can't be done because each execution of RUN spawns an independent shell. The following code doesn't work because the second RUN knows nothing about the $MYMESSAGE environment variable -- it belonged to the shell that was created by the first RUN:

RUN "set MYMESSAGE='Hello Word'; export MYMESSAGE"


This next code snippet does work though -- because it all happens within the same shell instance:

RUN "set MYMESSAGE='Hello Word'; export MYMESSAGE; echo $MYMESSAGE"

Instead of trying to use RUN to set an environment variable, you'll need to call a C routine that will do it on your behalf. Such a routine is described in 'Setting environment variables with fgl_putenv()', below.

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Environment Variables

Environment variables could be described as 'variables for UNIX'. They hold information such as the type of terminal you are using, and the timezone in which you live. Just as Informix require variables like $INFORMIXDIR to be defined before you can use the database, so you can define variables for use in your own application programs. This section gives some guidelines for their use.

Examining variables with fgl_getenv()

The Informix function built to access environment variables is 'fgl_getenv'. If you want to find out what sort of terminal emulation you are using, for example, you'd use some code like this:

LET l_termtype = fgl_getenv('TERM')

Note that the environment variable is not preceded with a '$' (i.e. $TERM) as it would in a UNIX Shell routine.

Setting environment variables with fgl_putenv()

Although you can look at environment variables with fgl_getenv(), there is no Informix-sanctioned method for setting environment variables from within a 4GL program. (See 'RUN and Environment Variables' for an explanation of why you can't just use 'RUN'). That said, there is a small C routine in Chapter 11 "Implementing C routines with I-4GL" that you can call to add this functionality to your programs.

Uses for environment variables

There are zillions of possible uses for environment variables, but here are a couple which we have found to be useful. Remember that these are not Informix supplied variables -- the creation of these variables is up to you, as is the way you decide to use them.


When you're analysing the performance of your 4GL programs -- perhaps because a client is complaining that something is running too slowly -- it is extremely handy to be able to dynamically do a "SET EXPLAIN ON" inside your program. (See section 20.11, Explaining SET EXPLAIN, if you need more detail about this command).

The way we use this SQEXPLAIN variable is to set it to name of the program we wish to examine:

SQEXPLAIN = 'program.4gi' export SQEXPLAIN

and then test to see if the variable is set, and if so whether or not we should take turn SET EXPLAIN ON:

# program.4gl
   IF fgl_getenv('SQEXPLAIN') = arg_val(0) THEN
      END IF

You could just test to see if there is any value in the variable at all, rather than checking to see if it matched the name of the current program, but the method shown above means you can be more selective in your tracking of SQL performance problems.


Another nice use for environment variables is to control the name of the database the program should be accessing. This means you can use the same 4GL executable to access different databases (assuming they all have the same schema of course!).

DEFINE l_database CHAR(20)
   LET l_database = fgl_getenv('DATABASENAME')
   DATABASE l_database

At a minimum this is handy because you can test a program thoroughly using a 'test' database, and then -- simply by changing the environment variable -- point the program at the 'live' database. To take this technique to an extreme, one organisation has built a multi-terrabyte database which has been broken down into thousands of smaller (less risky) databases.

When a user wants to switch between "cities", the 4GL program closes the current city, changes the environment variable, and starts up again pointing at another database.

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Reading/Writing Outside 4GL

Sometimes you need to access data that lives outside the 4GL Universe. Perhaps you have a need to execute UNIX commands and examine their output, or create an ASCII file to let an Accountant do some fancy modeling in a spreadsheet.

Reading/Writing formatted data

If you're lucky you'll be able to use the SQL 'Load' and 'Unload' commands to read and write formatted data. These commands manipulate data by using a specified delimiter (defaulting to "|") to separate each of the fields in a flat ASCII file. eg:

1|January|1996|12.5| 2|February|1996|13.4|

LOAD and UNLOAD require that there be some character which is never included in you data -- imagine if the second column included a value of "Ap|ril", for example...

Creating unformatted output

Perhaps your program needs to write a file suitable for emailing to a client, or maybe the program wants to generate a UNIX shell script (and then execute it!). Whatever the reason, we have a couple of methods at our disposal to perform these tasks.

output report to [file]

A somewhat obvious option is to create a report, and output it to a filename rather than sending it directly to the printer. Make sure that inside the REPORT you specify TOP, LEFT, RIGHT, and BOTTOM MARGINs of 0, and a PAGE LENGTH of 1. These settings will stop 4GL from trying to format your 'report' for you.

Output with DISPLAY

It might make sense, if your 4GL program has no user interaction, just to use simple 'DISPLAY' statements in your code:

DISPLAY 'ls -l'

and use UNIX redirections to put the output of your program into a file:

fglgo program.4gi >

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Secret 4GL functions

There are a couple of undocumented features of 4GL which can be used to improve your program's usability and attractiveness to those who use your programs.

Screen Dumps

Our users have long wanted the ability to print out a copy of their 4GL screens, unfortunately the only obvious way to provide such a facility is to write a little report for every screen for which you want to provide the function!

There are a couple of significant problems with this approach:

Fortunately though, there is another option: We could use Informix's 'secret' screen-dumping facility!

How do you use it?

Here's a quick summary of how you use the screen dumping function:

  1. Create an environment variable called 'DBSCREENOUT', and assign it the value of a file you would like the screen dump to appear in. eg, in the Bourne Shell: DBSCREENOUT=screendump.out export DBSCREENOUT
  2. Inside your program, press CONTROL-P.
  3. A new file 'screendump.out' (i.e. the contents of $DBSCREENOUT) has been created in the current directory.
  4. At this point you can print the file, and then dispose of it. It's important to destroy it once you've finished with it because any further screen dumps are appended to the file -- they don't replace it.

Implementing screen-dumps in 4GL code

To provide access to the screen dump function in your code, you'll need to add an 'ON KEY (CONTROL-P)' clause to all of your INPUT/INPUT ARRAY/DISPLAY ARRAY/CONSTRUCT/MENU statements:

   INPUT l_product, l_qty WITHOUT DEFAULTS FROM product, qty
      ON KEY (CONTROL-P) CALL screendump()

FUNCTION screendump()
DEFINE l_run CHAR(250), l_filename CHAR(100)

   LET l_filename = fgl_getenv("DBSCREENOUT")
  LET l_run = "lp -c ", l_filename CLIPPED,"; rm ", l_filename
   RUN l_run

Drawing boxes and Lines

There are two ways of graphic-line boxes on a form in Informix-4GL. You can use the "\g" directives inside your form file, or you can call the fgl_drawbox() function. A box 20 characters wide, 4 high, at column 5, row 2, can be described in a .per file as:

\g|\g \g|\g
\g|\g \g|\g

or with a call to fgl_drawbox:

call fgl_drawbox(4, 20, 5, 2)

There is a fifth, optional, parameter to fgl_drawbox, which specifies the colour to use for the box. The parameter is a number between 0 and 7:

Parameter Colour
0 White
1 Yellow
2 Yellow
3 Red
4 Cyan
5 Green
6 Blue
7 Black

ie: CALL fgl_drawbox(height, width, column, row, colour)

If you want to just draw a line, rather than a box, then give fgl_drawbox a height (for a horizontal line) or width (for a vertical line) of 1 -- then DISPLAY " " AT the first and last character positions of the line, so that the "corner" characters get erased from the screen.

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From Here

This chapter provided an introduction to 4GL coding, and explained some of 4GL's more unusual or confusing features. Take a look at Chapter 31 "Writing Re-usable 4GL Code", which talks about still more things that can make your code easier to work with -- and more likely to be able to be reused in multiple programs.

Good luck!

Kerry Sainsbury (

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