
Testing plan

Date created: 2001-11-27

Created for: MoreData

Approved for:



Identification of the Tests


Identification Development:

Project DOC4GL. Test the application


Responsibility for the Development:



Type of Test :



Responsible for Tests:

Jose L. Papança


Date of Beginning:



Date of End:




Summary of the Tests


Check number













List of Tests




Preparation procedures - Make checkout of FglDocumenter/src/sql / *  



Clean Repository Table 

  Run in dbaccess script p4gl_rep.sql.   (all tables are deleted)  
0.2  Check for existence of data in the table p4gl_process  
Use script file shipment of processes for table p4gl_process.  Run from dbaccess script:
load_process.sql - p4gl_process.unl Must exist in the same Directory
0.3 Check for existence of file fgldocrc in ~/.fgldocrc or path to define all: to place in K
  Default fgldocrc file will have to exist  
0.4 Verify Existence of file padrao  
  In FglDocumenter/doc/funcoes_mobilix_tb_separated.txt (file in 7 columns with described order (CUI - n5) Verify success of import:

Use query (to define)

  CUI - Command Line Interface  
  Run in a terminal command "fgldoc" with the following options  
  -- help - > It will have to show description of the options  
  -- ui=GUI - > interface Will have to launch graphical interface (it requires X)  
  -- ui=CUI - > Option to run from command line - explicitação of acções (requires -- action=ActionName)  
  -- action=[ActionName ] ActionName = share to execute:  
  -- action=importCSV - > Imports the comments from file with separate registers for TAB. The import file must have the following format in 7 columns:
Modulo4gl FunctionName DescriçãoFunçao TipoArgumentos TipoRetornos WhereIsCalled ProcessAssociated
I modulate where the function is defined Name of the Function What the function processes, what makes, what transforms Type of last arguments á function Types returned for the function Where module or where function is made call to the function Functionality, process or rule of business the one that the function is associated
all: Place in the K definiçao of the order
  -- action=importFgl - > 4gl Imports the commentaries from sources, the format will have to be
/ * * In the beginning, **/ in the end, * in the beginning of each string  
Example: / * * Beginning commentary
* Bla-Bla

To define all tags that the commentaries poderao to contain:

  -- action=export2Fgl - > It exports the commentaries of the BD to sources 4GL. Obriga to the definition of -- exportDirectory and -- exportSource  
  -- exportDirectory=[DirName ] - > Directório Base where if they find sources 4GL to update with commentaries of functions. In the future preve it possibility of recursive exportation (all files below of exportDirectory) To verify the interactive choice of the directory for export
  -- exportSource=[fglname ] - > File to update with documentation of functions (it will have to be below of DirName) all:

To verify the update of sources with commentaries. After the finishing of the operation will have to be presented a statistic summary with:
- Number of modified files
- List of files
- List of functions for files
- Status (Insert/Update for commentary)

To verify the correspondent enters the affected result of the summary and conteudo of sources files


Interface GUI - needs X


Menu "File"


Option Open. 

To open filing-cabinet of patterns - For default ~/.fgldocrc


Option Save. 

To record filing-cabinet with patterns
Verify if the chosen options  are recorded in file " fgldocrc "

Verify existence of errors of syntax and/or writing


Option Exit. 

Exit the application and returns to shell prompt

Menu " To matter "


Option CSV (Tab separated) 

· When chosen sample window for file selection

· Checkbox Normalize. It will have to be marked to insert structure normalized in the BD 

· Checkbox Clear Repository. Clean the existing information in the BD and inserts in the BD the information in equal structure to the one of the calculation leaf 

· Visualization of the Progress Listener and Pop-Up of errors 

· Terminus of the share with informative message importação efectuada with success. Real reflection in the BD 

· Ver reflection of the importation in HTML (JSP)
After the finishing of the operation will have to be presented a statistic summary with:
- Nº modified Filing-cabinets
- Stack of filing-cabinets
- Stack of functions for filing-cabinet
- Status (Insert/Update for commentary)

To verify the correspondence enters the affected result of the summary and conteudo of sources files

Option Sources 4gl. 

· When chosen sample window for choice of options 

· When activated an option to verify the respective shipment in the BD 

· When deactivate an option, to guarantee that its shipment is not executed in the BD 

· Parse Only. But it tests parsing 

· Load Strings. not implemented 

· Local Load Variables. not implemented 

To remove redundancy or ambiguities between the options Package and Location 

To specify the meaning of Load Table Usage better
Not tested.  

Option XML. 

· When chosen sample window for choosing files and directories 

· Verify success of the importation 

· Verify reflection in HTML (JSP)

Option Syspgm4GL. 

· not implemented 

To change the share. 

It will have to appear informative message of not implementation

Menu " To export "


Option CSV (Tab separated) 

· When chosen sample window for selection of files and directories 

When executing instead of exporting flame importation share 


Option Sources 4gl.

· When chosen sample window for selection of files and directories 

· Verify success of exporting for source file selected

· Cancellation. it leaves and it returns to the menu 

Impossivel to select file you export. 

To remove option functions.
It creates file of back

- actualiza sources with description of functions in the commentaries does not only place:
{ * *
* }

  After export the window with message refere "Imported successfuly". The display must be improved with:

Progress Listener.
Summary in the end with:
Nº functions affected/number of inserted commentaries / total Nº comments actualizados/Number of functions in file or files.


Option XML. 

 · When chosen sample window for selection of directories files

Option Makefile. 

· not implemented 

 To specify what this option would have to make.


Option HTML. 

· not implemented 

 To specify what this option would have to make.


Menu " Options "


Log Show 

· Verify correct display of the window of log when selecting this option


It configures 

· Verify appearance of window of options pattern 

· Option Flat File does not function 

· Option XML file does not function 

· Option CSV export file 

· Verify its reflection for the other options
2 JSPx27s - HTML - Pages of visualization of the documentation    

Display of Modules, Processes, Functions


Verify conteudo of Frames 

Verify conteudo of table p4gl_process 

Verify conteudo of p4gl_package 

Verify conteudo of p4gl_module
2.1.2 To verify Updates in the BD    

Sources 4gl

2.2.1 To verify insertions of the commentaries in the code Differences between files

it has that to have 2 files for comparing

2.2.2 To verify Updates of the commentaries in the code Differences between files

it has that to have 2 files for comparing



2.3.1 To verify update of the HTML after success in the Insertion of commentaries in the BD    
2.3.2 To verify update of the HTML after success in the Update of commentaries in the BD    
2.3.3 To verify navigation in the HTML (navigability between frames)  
3 TO-DO    

HELPx27s Descriptive

Visualization of options and description for each option of the menu of the interface    


Conclusions (accept / reject)




The intended results has been achieved.
